Today, I’ll be discussing my final project for
BIOS823 that I worked on
with Yue Han and Yi Mi. You can explore the deployed version of our
and the github repository for it is here.
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Using streamlit to build a simple dashboard
Today, I’ll be exploring streamlit, a new tool that makes making interactive data apps especially easy. To do so, we’ll be using this dataset (Table 1) of PhDs awarded in the US from 1958-2017.
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Using the requests library with the Star Wars API
Today, I’ll be practicing using the requests library by using the library to get data from the Star Wars API. Our eventual goal is to list the films the oldest person/robot/alien was in; for this, we’ll need the names, ages, and films from the API’s People resource.
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Adding the Spotify Songs dataset to a database
This week, I’ll be using the Tidy Tuesday Spotify Songs dataset to practice working with SQL a bit. If you’re curious, the link to the dataset has more information on how this was gathered too.
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A (very late) Tidy Tuesday
To practice making plots in Python, I’ll be using this tidy Tuesday data set from 2018. Briefly, it shows death rates from Malaria by country, age group, and year. Let’s get started!
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